Saturday, April 24, 2010

Monogram Pillowcases

My cozen is getting married next month. I though it would be nice to monogram her some towels. We have a set of monogrammed hand-towels that we got as a wedding gift, and I think they are so cool. And I have been practicing with terrycloth making baby bibs, and burp cloths.
But she did not register for towels. However, she did register for sheets. Sateen Sheets.
SO I decided to monogram some pillowcases.

I was VERY worried that I would make a mistake. The set of two pillowcases cost over $40, so I really did not want to mess up.

I got some plain White (cheep) pillowcases to practice on first. The practice I monogrammed for my mom.

Good thing I practiced, 'cause as you can see, I did not get the M centered correctly. It is too close to the right side if the frame.
But I think I figured it out. I have a lot to do with centering between steps. And there is a funny button that when you press it, the machine will hover over the fabric making a box where the embroidery will go. If the box is too big, or in the wrong spot you can see and adjust before you embroider. That is handy. The button is my new best friend.

The Fabric is a reddish brown, and the embroidery is a sliver. The Monogram is only about the size of the palm of you hand.

I think It looks good.

1 comment:

  1. I totally LOVE these pillow cases! That are SO sweet! Thanks again SO much!!! I LOVE them!
