Friday, April 9, 2010


I made my Nephew this pair of booties.
The bottom is embroidered with his birth date.
I think they are cute.

Took me about four hours to figure it all out, and make it.

I could probably carve a half hour off that now that I know how to do it. The hard part was that the piece of fabric needs to be big enough to fit in the machine, so you have to embroider first then cut out. And if you don't embroider in just the right spot, you can't cut it out right.
{The R on the right foot is slightly lower then the R on the left.}


  1. So It turns out that my nephew was born at 11:28 pm. So when I got the text he was born, it was already the next day. So the first set of booties made had the wrong date. OPPS. So I removed the outside bottom, and remade the bottom with the right date. It was much faster than I had thought. And I figured out how to load a small piece of fabric into the machine. It wastes a lot more stabilizer that way, but it worked.
