Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bread Machine

My mother got a Bread Machine YEARS ago. Like were talking early 90s. She used it a few times but it never was a big hit, and took up a lot of space, so it was relocated to the attic.

I freed it, and gave it a home.

My kitchen is smaller them my mothers. The machine takes up about 1/6th of my entire kitchen. For that kind of prime real estate I expected something miraculous. And the idea of poring in the ingredients before bed and waking up to warm Cinnamon bread sounded just miraculous enough.

Except this is what happened instead.Looks like it did not get mixed properly. The top half was still dry, the bottom half was a hot pudding of some kind.

NOT eatable.

Very sad. And a waste of a Bob's red mill mix.

So I explained to MR Loaf that if he did not want to find himself at the local thrift store, or back into the attic from whence he came, he needed to do better then that.

So I got out a gluten free Pantry sandwich bread mix, divided the mix in half {mister loaf is small} and stirred half of the wet ingredients into the mix BEFORE I put it into the machine.

The box rocked a bit when I turned it on, trying to mix the dough that was already mixed, but it soon settled down, and I went about my day.

A little less them three hours later:

It is only about 6 slices of bread, but when it's JUST me, that is reasonable.
And the other half of the mix is on standby for another day.
Mr Loaf might just stick around for a while.
I have a Bette H bread book that I have not touched...

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