Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rux Pin

I am a child of the 80s.
I, like most kids I knew, wanted a "teddy Ruxpin" to read them stories.

Well, Hubby found instructions on how to adapt a plush toy to recognize certain objects, and play corresponding sound bites.
So, were making our own!
It's Going to be a Plush robot.
I designed it myself.
Two cubes, augmented with Buttons.
Here is the Beta, made from scrap fabric.

Here are some of the Ideas we have:
When you lay the Robot on the Winni the Pooh nap blanket, it will tell you a nap time story.
When you lay the Robot in the Crib, it will sing "daisy, Daisy"
When the Robot gets close to the plush tool set, it will say little phrases about fixing and building things.
When the Robot gets too close to the front Dore it will say "I can't do that Dave"
When the Robot gets into the Car it will say "Autobots, Roll out"

This is the 2.0 version. No arms and legs yet.
I had to remake the body as the Speaker and Battery pack for "Bop the Robot" was so big it did not fit in the 1.0 body. The 2.0 body also had separate internal pockets for the antenna, battery pack and speaker, to keep them for banking into each other, or getting stuffing into there parts.
I'm very tempted to remake the whole thing, since I have learned a lot in the process. Hubby said the same thing. Maybe we should just make Bop a wife...

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