Saturday, June 4, 2011

Enjoy Life, Chewy on the go bars, in Cocoa loco flavor

I'm outraged.
Look at the picture on the box. Look at the large, rectangular bar pictured on the box.

NOW look at that was in the box:

The little individual wrapping even leads us to think your getting a bar. It's Bar shaped. But I was shocked and outraged to find only this little cube.

It did not taste half bad, but I was two outraged by it's size to have much of an opinion on it's taste. Plus it was just so SMALL it was hard to get a good idea of what you were tasting.
It's a single bite sized.
I did put that sucker on a scale and it did weight an ounce, as the package advertised, so it's not like I got a faulty box. It's just that they are so heavy that an ounce worth it not very much.
So these things are very high in calories for so little food.
It's about the size of a fig newton, and even Nabisco had the sense to put TWO newtons as a single serving. Enjoy lift things one of these is a serving, AND deserves it's own wrapper!
I will NEVER get these again.
I might never get any Enjoy Life product again, that is how up-set I am over this.

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