Sunday, November 10, 2013

Rant: Gluten free by people who are not paying attention

My biggest problem is people who don't bother.

I have a friend who's son has a life threatening allergy to nuts. She was just telling me how on Halloween she made her son stand in the corner of his karate class, while she cleaned up where someone's kid had left Reece's peanut butter cup wrappers and crumbs. She got funny looks, and comments, from other parents thinking she was cleaning for the sake of cleaning. But for my friend that might as well have been broken glass, or a loaded gun. To her son, they are all a real threat. Would any good parent have left broken class on the floor where children play?
Sure, its' not your child so you don't have to think about it. But can we not go about making other people's life HARDER!?!

It just makes me want to scream when I ask "do you have a gluten free menu?"  and I get some dismissive answer, where the person obviously does not know and cannot be bothered to find out. Happens all the time

I try to be understand. Having been gluten free since 2001, I use to tell myself it was lack of knowledge. But gluten is not the vague obscure turn it was over a dozen years ago.

I try to remind myself of all the times I have been surprised to find out something has gluten in it. Imitation bacon bits for example. So of course, someone who has never thought about gluten would not think about it. But once you are asked, you need to THINK!
I asked because I want you to FIND OUT! Don't just GUESS!
Your guess could be WRONG! and Someone could DIE. Happens TOO often WAY too often

What Gets me is that these people ASKED about their food. They were told it was safe. And it was NOT.

I'm lucky, gluten will not kill me. But you don't know that.
I spend so much time, money and energy avoiding it, the least you can do it get me a correct answer to my question.

There. Rant over.

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